Ladybug Animation

This project was a collaborative project with my classmates in my Digital animation class. Everyone was to bring in three small objects to animate with, I brought in a wrapped up piece of Double Bubble Gum, a Chapstick, and a tiny ladybug statue. I decided on the ladybug, and shortly after everyone in the class chose their object and we began the order of the sequence for our animation, "The Great Adventure." My animation with the ladybug started the sequence, and the goal of the project was to collaboratively work together to make a sequence for our project with each of our items. We first sketched out our animations on index cards, presented them, and scanned them into Adobe Photoshop. Next, we created a black and white version, a color version without sound, and the final version with sound. We then added it to Adobe Premiere to add sound effects for the final project and final video. The idea behind my concept is that my ladybug starts off on the ground and begins to fly up in the air, she loses control and she flies back to the ground, only to land in a pile of chewed up gum. After this, the ladybug continues in the gum in the next person's animation. Each person's animation in the group ties in with the previous person's. 


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