Prototype of "Happiness Is" Site

For this Infographic, I'm going to be talking about the first stage "Stage 1 - Effective Planning." 

1. Plan the structure
When planning the structure, you need to know your business, website, or whatever it may be. When you choose and understand that, you'll then know who your target audience is going to be and it'll be easier to structure your site. 

2. Plan the pages
What type of content do you want to post on your pages? How many pages do you want? What kind of design or theme do you want on your pages? There's a lot of different questions to ask yourself. When you construct you pages effectively, it enhances the usability, especially for the audience and drives the information to your audience. 

3. Plan the navigation

The average user spends 30 seconds on a page before moving on, keep this in mind as you are developing your site. When building your site, it is important to make it easy for the audience and users to navigate and access  what they are looking for without struggling and so they know where they are. They need to know how to get back to the beginning within 3 clicks or less.

4. Define the purpose

What is the purpose of your site? To inform, to entertain?, to educate? You decide! Whatever you decide, make sure the purpose is clear and understandable. Make sure you determine appropriate objectives, goals,etc for your web site. 

5. Define the audience

Clearly define you audience and visitors? Is you audience men?, women?, children?, teenagers? or all of them? Is it for millennials or elderly people or people in the middle? This will not only help you, but also help with your social media or products too. 

6. Plan the content

Determine you color scheme(s), text, font, photography, document size, graphics, etc. Each of these are important and are key to you site. 

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